Kaur, A., Rodrigues, A.L., Hoogstraten, S., Blanco-Mora, D.A., Miranda, B., Morgado, P., Meshi, D. (2024) Functional brain imaging and population-level visits to urban spaces. Nature Cities. (pdf)
Siddika, A., Ellithorpe, M.E., Meshi, D., Tham, S. (2024) In-person and computer-mediated social support for international students at U.S. universities: Associations with acculturative stress and mental health. Journal of American College Health. (pdf)
Hu, J.M., Balow, S., Meng, J., Ellithorpe, M.E., Meshi, D. (2024) Social network density mediates the association between problematic social media use and depressive symptoms. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. (pdf)
Pan, D., Lewin, K.M., Freestone, D., Meshi, D. (2024) Time on social networking sites is associated with impulsive decision-making. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1–6. (pdf)
Lim, C., Ratan, R., Foxman, M., Meshi, D., Liu, H., Hales, G., Lei, S. (2024) An avatar’s worth in the metaverse workplace: Assessing predictors of avatar customization valuation. Computers in Human Behavior. (pdf)
Williams, M., Lewin, K.M., Meshi, D. (2024) Problematic use of five different social networking sites is associated with depressive symptoms and loneliness. Current Psychology. (pdf)
Cary, K.M., Maas, M.K., Greer, K.M., Meshi, D. (2024) Observed Instagram use and satisfaction with life: Associations with received communications and exploration of others’ content after posting a selfie. PLoS One, 19(3), e0297392. (pdf)
Kaur, A., Rodrigues, A.L., Hoogstraten, S., Blanco-Mora, D.A., Miranda, B., Morgado, P., Meshi, D. (2023) An Urban Image Stimulus Set Generated from Social Media. Data, 8(12), 184. (pdf)
Ellithorpe, M., Tham, S.M., Meshi, D. (2023) Problematic media use: Comparisons by media type and with other addictive behavior and substance use domains. Technology, Mind, and Behavior, 4(3). (pdf)
Lewin, K.M., Kaur, A., Meshi, D. (2023) Problematic social media use and impulsivity. Current Addiction Reports. (pdf)
Lewin, K.M., Meshi, D., Aladé, F., Lescht, E., Herring, C., Devaraju, D.S., and Hampton-Wray, A. (2023) Children’s screentime is associated with reduced brain activation during an inhibitory control task: A pilot EEG study. Frontiers in Cognition, 2, 1018096. (pdf)
Schultz, H., Yoo, J., Meshi, D., Heekeren, H.R. (2022) Category-specific memory encoding in the medial temporal lobe and beyond: The role of reward. Learning and Memory. (pdf)
Schuster, A.M., Cotten, S.R., Meshi, D. (2022) Established adults, who self-identify as smartphone and/or social media overusers, struggle to balance smartphone use for personal and work purposes. Journal of Adult Development. (pdf)
Vidal, C., Meshi, D. (2022) Behavioral addictive disorders in children and adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (pdf)
Lewin, K.M., Ellithorpe, M.E., Meshi, D. (2022) Social comparison and problematic social media use: Relationships between five different social media platforms and three different social comparison constructs. Personality & Individual Differences. (pdf)
Jahn, N.T., Meshi, D., Bente, G., Schmälzle, R. (2022) Media Neuroscience on a Shoestring: Examining Electrocortical Responses to Visual Stimuli Via Mobile EEG. Journal of Media Psychology. (pdf)
Lewin, K.M., Meshi, D., Schuster, A., Cotten, S. (2022) Active and Passive Social Media Use and Depressive Symptoms in a National Sample of U.S. Older Adults. Aging and Mental Health. (pdf)
Ellithorpe, M.E., Meshi, D., Tham, S.M. (2022) Problematic video gaming is associated with poor sleep quality, diet quality, and personal hygiene. Psychology of Popular Media. (pdf)
Ratan, R., Meshi., D. (2022) The metaverse is money and crypto is king – why you’ll be on a blockchain when you’re virtual-world hopping. The Conversation.† (link)
McCarroll, A., Holtz, B., Meshi., D. (2021) Searching for social media addiction: A content analysis of top websites found through online search engines. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 10077. (pdf)
Meshi, D.*, Freestone, D.*, Özdem-Mertens, C. (2021) Problematic social media use is associated with the evaluation of both risk and ambiguity during decision making. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 10(3), 779-787. (pdf)
Meshi, D., Ellithorpe, M.E. (2021) Problematic social media use and social support received in the real-world versus on social media: Associations with depression, anxiety and social isolation. Addictive Behaviors, 119, 106949. (pdf)
Eden, A., Ellithorpe, M.E., Meshi, D., Ulusoy, E., Grady, S.M. (2021) All night long: problematic media use is differentially associated with sleep quality and depression by medium. Communication Research Reports, 38(3), 143-149. (pdf)
Lieberoth, A., Lin, A., Stöckli, S., Han, H., Kowal, M., Gelpi, R., Chrona, S., Tran, T.P., Jeftić, A., Rasmussen, J., Cakal, H., Milfont, T.L., COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey Consortium^ (2021) Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey. Royal Society Open Science, 8(2), 200589. (pdf)
Yamada, Y., Ćepulić, D. B., Coll-Martín, T., Debove, S., Gautreau, G., Han, H., Rasmussen, J., Tran, T., Travaglino, G.A., COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey Consortium^, Lieberoth, A. (2021) COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak. Scientific Data, 8(1), 1-23. (pdf)
Schulreich, S., Gerhardt, H., Meshi, D., Heekeren, H.R. (2020) Emotion-induced increases in loss aversion are linked to increased neural negative-value coding. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. (pdf)
Meshi, D., Turel, O., Henley, D. (2020) Snapchat vs. Facebook: Differences in problematic use, behavior change attempts, and trait social reward preferences. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 100294. (pdf)
McDonald, B., Becker, K., Meshi, D., Heekeren, H.R., von Scheve, C. (2020) Individual differences in envy experienced through perspective-taking involves functional connectivity of the superior frontal gyrus. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. (pdf)
Huskey, R., Bue, A., Eden, A., Grall, C., Meshi, D., Prena, K., Schmälzle, R., Scholz, C., Turner, B.O., Wilcox, S. (2020) Marr’s Tri-Level Framework Integrates Biological Explanation Across Communication Subfields. Journal of Communication, 70, 356-378. (pdf)
Meshi, D., Özdem-Mertens, C. (2020) Social media in neuroscience research. In Floyd, K. & Weber, R. (Eds.), The Handbook of Communication Science and Biology. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Tham, S., Ellithorpe, M.E., Meshi, D. (2020) Real-world social support but not in-game social support is related to reduced depression and anxiety associated with problematic gaming. Addictive Behaviors. (pdf)
Meshi, D., Ulusoy, E., Ozdem-Mertens, C., Grady, S., Freestone, D., Eden, A., Ellithorpe, M.E. (2020) Problematic social media use is associated with increased risk-aversion after negative outcomes in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 34(4), 549–555. (pdf)
Schmälzle, R.*, Meshi, D.* (2020) Communication Neuroscience: Theory, methodology and experimental approaches. Communication Methods and Measures, 14(2), 105-124. (pdf)
Meshi, D., Cotten, S.R., Bender, A.R. (2019) Problematic social media use and perceived social isolation in older adults: a cross-sectional study. Gerontology, 1-9. (pdf)
Paulus, F.M., Müller-Pinzler, L., Meshi, D., Peng, T.-Q., Mateo, M.M., Krach, S. (2019) The politics of embarrassment: Considerations on how norm-transgressions of political representatives shape nation-wide communication of emotions on social media. Frontiers in Communication, 4, 11. (pdf)
Meshi, D., Elizarova, A., Bender, A.R., Verdejo-Garcia, A. (2019) Excessive social media users demonstrate impaired decision making in the Iowa Gambling Task. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 8(1), 169-173. (pdf)
Turel, O., Cavagnaro, D., Meshi, D. (2018) Short abstinence from online social networking sites reduces perceived stress, especially in excessive users. Psychiatry Research, 270, 947-953. (pdf)
Carbonell, G., Meshi, D., Brand, M. (2018) The use of recommendations on physician rating websites: the number of raters makes the difference when adjusting decisions. Health Communication, 1-10. (pdf)
Fatfouta, R., Meshi, D., Merkl, A., Heekeren, H.R. (2018) Accepting unfairness by a significant other is associated with reduced connectivity between medial prefrontal and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Social Neuroscience, 13(1), 61-73. (pdf)
Andrejevic, M.*, Meshi, D.*, van den Bos, W., Heekeren, H.R. (2017) Individual differences in social desirability are associated with white matter microstructure of the external capsule. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-10. (pdf)
Paulus, F.M., Müller-Pinzler, L., Meshi, D., Peng, T.-Q., Mateo, M.M., Krach, S. (2017) The politics of embarrassment. PsyArXiv Preprints, psyarxiv.com/pk4hc.† (pdf)
Meshi D., Tamir, D.I., Heekeren, H.R. (2016) Social media and the brain. Chapter in the book: Die Neuro-Perspektive. Neurowissenschaftliche Antworten auf die wichtigsten Marketingfragen. B Briesemeister (Ed.), Freiburg, Germany; Haufe, GmbH.
Meshi, D., Mamerow, L., Kirilina, E., Morawetz, C., Margulies, D.S., Heekeren, H.R. (2016) Sharing self-related information is associated with intrinsic functional connectivity of cortical midline brain regions. Scientific Reports, 6, 22491. (pdf)
Meshi, D.*, Tamir, D.I.*, Heekeren, H.R. (2015) The emerging neuroscience of social media. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(12), 771-782. (pdf)
Fatfouta, R., Schulreich, S., Meshi, D., Heekeren, H.R. (2015) So close to a deal: spatial-distance cues influence economic decision-making in a social context. PLoS One, 10(8), e0135968. (pdf)
Meshi, D., Deters, F. (2015) The need to connect, predicting personality, and the brain’s reward system: emerging themes from the Berlin Social Media Research Workshop. International Journal of Developmental Science, 9(2), 53-56. (pdf)
Meshi, D., Morawetz, C., Heekeren, H.R. (2013) Facebook, being cool, and your brain: what science tells us. Frontiers for Young Minds, 1, 4.† (pdf)
Meshi, D., Morawetz, C., Heekeren, H.R. (2013) Nucleus accumbens response to gains in reputation for the self relative to gains for others predicts social media use. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 439. (pdf)
2012 & Earlier
Meshi, D., Biele, G., Korn, C.W., Heekeren, H.R. (2012) How expert advice influences decision making. PLoS One, 7(11), e49748. (pdf)
Paradiso, M.A., Meshi, D., Pisarcik, J., Levine, S. (2012) Eye movements reset visual perception. Journal of Vision, 12(13), 11. (pdf)
Carruthers, G., Gutwinski, S., Kuhlen, A., Landgraf, S., Meshi, D., Steimke, R., Voelkl, B. (2010) Interacting Minds: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Social Cognition. The Reasoner, 4(12), 179-180.†
Meshi, D.*, Drew, M.R.*, Saxe, M., Ansorge, M.S., David, D. Santarelli, L., Malapani, C., Moore, H., Hen, R. (2006) Hippocampal neurogenesis is not required for behavioral effects of environmental enrichment. Nature Neuroscience, 9(6), 729-731. (pdf)
Ophoff, R.A., Escamilla, M.A., Service, S.K., Spesny, M., Meshi, D., Poon, W., Molina, J., Fournier, E., Gallegos, A., Mathews, C., Neylan, T., Batki, S.L., Roche, E., Ramirez, M., Silva, S., De Mille, M.C., Dong, P., Leon, P.E., Reus, V.I., Sandkuijl, L.A., Freimer, N.B. (2002) Genomewide linkage disequilibrium mapping of severe bipolar disorder in a population isolate. American Journal of Human Genetics, 71(3), 565-574. (pdf)
*=Shared first authorship
†=Article not peer-reviewed
^=Part of consortium